Dave Lauck was voted "2012 American Pistolsmith of the Year" by his peers in the gunsmithing industry.
D&L Sports™ combines old world craftsmanship and the latest firearms innovations to provide the D&L client with the finest custom practical firearms available anywhere. D&L Sports™ is an established leader in the tactical firearms and training arena. Lauck pioneered developments decades ago that others are just beginning to realize today. D&L Sports™ was selected for the 'Best in Firearms Award' in 2014. D&L Sports™ was selected as the Best of Gillette in the Firearms Category in 2009 by the U.S. Commerce Association.
D&L specializes in premium quality 1911-style autos, precision tuned bolt-actions, Browning Hi-Powers, Ruger .22 autopistols, Vaqueros, Bisleys and 10-22 rifles, Benelli, shotguns, Smith and Wesson revolvers, Pro Model Glock Pistols, as well as custom D&L semi-auto carbines and rifles. D&L firearms can be customized to client specifications, or provided as custom D&L signature packages, depending on individual client needs.
Dave Lauck, owner and operator of D&L Sports™, Inc., is the
sole gunsmith at D&L Sports™. It is not a production line manufacturing shop for
one simple reason: Quality Control. It is not the goal of D&L
Sports™ to be the biggest custom shop. D&L's goal is to be the best!
Mr. Lauck has been formally trained and certified as an armorer and has served as a firearms engineer, with over 40 years of
experience in special purpose firearms. Mr. Lauck has completed training via the American Gunsmithing Institute and received a 100 % rating due to his precision machine shop skills. He is, or has been, a member of Club 100, AGA, ASOSA,
APG, ACGG, NTOA, OAHAF, 1911 Society, OMC, PMA, National Patrol Rifle Advisory Board and a Life Member of the NRA. Dave Lauck is endorsed by the Wyoming Gun Owners Association. Lauck is a recommended instructor by the Legal Defense Network and O.S.G. Inc. He is, or has been,
a staff member and writer for Tactical Shooter, Harris Publications, Accurate
Rifle, Precision Shooting, and American Gunsmith magazines, he has authored
five books: Tactical Marksman, Tactical 1911, Practical Pistol, Tactical AR-15 and Advanced
Tactical Marksman (available from Paladin Press, 303-443-7250). His firearms work, training, and advancements have been the subject of over 50 trade publication articles. |
The Lauck family has been involved in American custom firearms as far back as the 1700s, and they were reportedly involved in foreign firearms prior to that. This unsurpassed family tradition lends to pride in every job. D&L Sports™ continues to teach safe and responsible gun ownership to all generations.
Dave has customized 8 consecutive World Championship presentation firearms and is considered among the top 5 pistolsmiths in America. He also customized the the first place tactical carbine for the first National Patrol Rifle Championships, 2006. His tactical rifles have been considered the best available by the ASOSA and others. Dave Lauck was nominated for the APG Pistolsmith of the year award in 2008 and 2009. In 1998 the MR-30PG tactical rifle developed by Lauck swept the tactical matches, earning 1st place in the overall International Tactical Rifleman Championships, 1st place in the Carlos Hathcock benefit shoot-off, and the only rifle to hit the 2" egg target (cold) at 500 yards. The MR-30PG is the most successful rifle to date in knocking down the 1800 yard 11" x 16" target at the One Mile Club. Colonel/Senator Tom Brewer won 1st place at the 2019 International Cup competition in Bulgaria using a D&L MR-30PG rifle. |
In 2006 Lauck was awarded the US Army Special Forces Certificate of Appreciation for Training and Support. In 1996 Lauck was unanimously selected to receive the Excellence in Craft
Award from the AGA. Dave Lauck received the 2005-2006 ITRC awards for dedication above and beyond the call of duty. Dave Lauck was the recipient of the 2006 APG President's Award for advancements in the shooting industry. Dave Lauck is a member of the American Custom GunMakers Guild. His presentation quality custom 1911 for Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper
was inducted into the Buffalo Bill Historical Center Museum in 1997. In 2003 Lauck customized a personal 1911 for General
Tommy Franks to recognize his leadership of American combat troops. |
Lauck is also a competitive shooter, with such accomplishments as: 1990 Tactical Rifle Event winner at the S.O.F. World Championship Tactical Match; top 10% finisher in the 1990 S.O.F. 3-gun World Championship Match; Team Captain at the 1991 S.O.F. World Championship Match; 1st Place in the NRA 600 yard Countersniper Match in 1988; 1st Place in the 1987 S.A.A. Countersniper Shoot-off; 1986 South Dakota Highway Patrol Two-Gun Combat Match Police Champion, and Champion of the 1985 Northwest Regionals. Additionally, he was the Wyoming Tactical Division winner in 1995. In 1996 and 1997 he was the recipient of Outstanding Shooter awards. In 2006 Dave Lauck was the first to surpass Col. Jeff Cooper's 20-20-20 challenge; 20 shots, in less than 20 seconds, in less than a 20 inch target at 1000 yards. Lauck used a personally customized D&L precision rifle with Black Hills match grade ammunition for the event. Lauck took 1st place in the limited class AZ Steel Challenge 2015 and was 1st place class winner at the 2015 AZ USPSA event 2015 and 1st place winner of Limited Division 2015. During the 2015 - 2018 summer shooting seasons Lauck was in the testing and development stages of his new 45 ACP 200 grain bullet. During this time he was able to achieve the following single stack iron sighted pistol finishes in matches, stages, divisions and classes; first place 341 times, top five placements 267 times, top hit factor rating of 13.37, best speed run on five separate targets, including reaction to the timer and a draw; 2.6 seconds. Most importantly, the D&L single stack Pro Model pistol used surpassed 100,000 rounds in training and competition without a single stoppage or parts breakage. This was all accomplished with a D&L Sports Custom ( iron sighted / non-compensated ) Professional Model 1911 pistol in .45 ACP caliber. Lauck placed in the top three finishers with this 45 acp load and a low capacity Pro Model 1911 pistol at the 2019 Gunsite combat pistol competition, and the top 2 in 2020. Lauck took first place in the Gunsite shooter vs shooter competition, won the GS challenge coin, and posted the top GS qualification score, all while shooting his 200 grain 45 acp load in his D&L Professional Model 1911 pistol.
Dave Lauck is or has been a Police Firearms instructor as well as a
contact weapon instructor. He is or has been a post certified practitioner/lecturer in SWAT
and in counter sniper tactics. Dave Lauck has also served as a firearms instructor
for the National Shooting Sports Foundation and Hollywood's Stunt Person Organization.
Dave is or has been NRA certified as an instructor for rifle, pistol, and personal protection, and is a CCW firearms instructor. As founder of the S.A.T.A. he has provided services for members of state, local,
and federal police, USMC, Army, National Guard, Rangers, Seals and qualified
civilians. Lauck is also founder of the O.M.C. (One Mile Club) where shooters
test their long-range shooting skills. In 2002 Lauck received a Golden Eagle
Award from the U.S. military for professional firearms training. In 2003 he
was selected as chief sniper instructor for the 2004 World SWAT Conference. Dave Lauck has also been selected as the sniper instructor for the 2008 U.S. National SWAT Championships. Dave Lauck also has served as Operations Chief and Range Manager of the SUREFIRE Training Facility. |
Mr. Lauck has also been a Law Enforcement Officer with over 25 years
of experience. He has served as SWAT Countersniper, Team Leader, Lead Patrol
Officer, Special Investigator, expert witness and SWAT Weapon and Duty Weapon
Armorer. Dave Lauck has learned the necessity of a reliable, powerful and accurate
firearm. D&L Sports™ puts this experience into every firearm hand-crafted
in the D&L Sports™ custom shop, whether it is a basic or a full-house firearm.
Prices, options and enhancements are subject to change without notice. Placing
a written or verbal order for any product or service from D&L Sports™ is acknowledgement
of complete understanding of all D&L Sports™' policies, procedures, all safety
rules, shipping, sales/possession regulations, payment and forfeiture requirements
and policies. Placement of any order or acceptance of any advice is the same
as signing and agreeing to all terms in the D&L Sports™ Inc. waiver. Any
custom project or firearm not properly aquired from D&L Sports™ inc. within 30
days of completion, paid for or not, will become owned by D&L Sports™ inc and
subject to resale by D&L Sports™ inc. without any refund to the client. Please
claim your projects on time. D&L Sports™ is not a class III dealer. Do not send any C3 items to D&L Sports™ or they will be turned over to B.A.T.F. D&L Sports™
is a gun safety advocate and does offer gun locks and boxes to all who request
them. |
The Lauck family has possibly the oldest roots in the American custom gun industry. Following the migration of the Lauck family to America, the Lauck gunsmithing tradition began in America in the 1700s. This was not just gunsmithing; it was early custom gun artistry. This tradition still lives today at D&L Sports™. |