Crane Stop for S&W Revolvers |
Serious revolver shooters realize how often they are required to reload their revolvers. What many shooters do not realize is that swing out cylinder S&W revolvers only rely on the tiny tip of a single screw to retain the revolver's crane and cylinder in the revolver frame when the crane / cylinder assembly is in the 'swung out' position for reloading. The combined weight of the crane and cylinder are heavy components of the revolver. Even more of a concern is the forward / downward pressure exerted by the shooter on the crane / cylinder assembly when conducting a high stress reload. Shooters are often shocked when they see the entire crane / cylinder assembly fall out of the revolver onto the ground, thus leaving them with an inoperable revolver. This failure can occur when the crane / cylinder retention screw is loose, worn, damaged, or the tip is sheared off. The design of the retention screw has changed over the years, but retention screw failure has the same results: the crane and cylinder literally fall out of the revolver, most commonly during the reloading process. This failure can occur with all methods of reloading, whether it be single rounds, speed loaders, or moon clips.
Known problems should be cured BEFORE they happen during critical incidents. DLS inc has designed and developed a Hard Use 'Crane Stop' that can be blended into the S&W revolver frame. This device completely eliminates the possibility of the crane / cylinder assembly falling out of the revolver. The steel crane stop mounts to the side of the frame with dual cross bolts and wraps around the front of the frame and crane to eliminate forward movement, even if the factory retaining screw has failed. It helps turn your S&W K L N X frame revolver into a heavy duty modern '5 Screw' revolver. A must for serious use revolvers. Gunsmith installation required.
Available in stainless steel silver or black nitride finish.
D&L custom revolvers are state of the art in hard use revolvers. This model for example features 5 locking point lock up, crane stop and DLS hard use sights with night inserts and colored accents. The front sight is interchangeable to allow zero changes, while retaining fixed sight durability. |
I was watching a master shooter at a big revolver match....what happened was exactly what Dave Lauck described...the cylinder / crane retaining screw failed. Before the match the screw had been loctited....but the cylinder still fell out...it can happen....look to Mr. Lauck for the solution....Lauck's crane stop guarantees your cylinder is not going to be laying on the ground in front of you. |
Michael Bane
Outdoor TV |
Great Idea...Looks great! |
John Taffin
Handgunner Editor |
This is a "Brilliant" solution to something we have needed for a long time. |
Firearms Instructor |
This was a needed fix you came up with for revolvers meant for serious use. I dislodged a yoke on a 686 6" in a ppc distinguished match trying to dislodge 6 SWC's from a Safariland Comp 3 speedloader. One of my teammates dumped his cylinder in the dirt on a brand new 686 SSR similarly. These from the stopwatch "stress" of a PPC match. Unacceptable. Both had the new spring-loaded two piece yoke screw. It gives me little confidence to carry a new one in rough country. |
LEO Firearms Instructor (ret) |
Dave: This crane stop device has been badly needed for years! |
LEO / Ammo Expert (ret) |
I have a S&W 686 SSR that has been back to the mothership twice because the crappy spring loaded carbon steel crane stop keeps digging a trough in the crane, and the cylinder and everything falls out during IDPA matches even though the screw is still loctited fully into the frame. The factory did not fix the problem. Ready for your Crane Stop fix. Many thanks! |
Revolver Shooter |
I was shooting a match recently and my factory crane stop gave way, thus allowing my entire crane and cylinder assembly to fall into the sandy range ground. My revolver was completey inoperable at that point. I had to quit the match. Your crane stop is the solution us S&W revolver shooters have needed for decades. Thank you! |
Revolver Shooter |
Note: The crane stop retaining arm is only .100" thick so the revolver still fits all but the tightest of holsters. |